Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Survival of the Fittest in a Free Market: A Conversation With God

ME: Dear God, why is there such utterly disappointing "professional" web design?

GOD: Firstly, you should know that bad web design is just a matter of survival of the fittest - in a web design free market.  And secondly, you should know that it's all part of a "bigger plan."

ME: What do you mean, "bigger plan?"

GOD: Well, "bigger plan" means something different to me than it does to many of my decipels. 

Believers will tell you that a "bigger plan" means that bad design is there to teach us about good design. You may have heard analogous theories about why, for example, bad things happen to good people. 

And these same believers will tell you that in this "bigger plan," anyone who has suffered [from bad web design] in this life will be rewarded [with good design] in the afterlife.

ME: So....what are you saying actually happens? What is this 'bigger plan' actually?

GOD: I, on the other hand, will tell you the truth, my child. This "bigger plan" is actually just natural selection: the weak designs don't survive the evolutionary marketplace! Over time, bad websites will simply go the way of the dodo. I typically swing more humanist, but when it comes to crappy products, I believe firmly in Adam Smith's socialist capitalism, and the economic analog of natural selection: the power of the free market.

To be clear, I still don't believe in social Darwinism, though.

ME: Dear God, if you are claiming survival of the fittest, it sounds like you support evolutionary theory.

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